Legions: Overdrive Community Video Contest

One morning, Seymour noticed that there was a lack of 'media' on the Legions: Overdrive site.  There were some screenshots on the blog, but really, it was hard to get a visual idea of what Legions: Overdrive is.

So, Seymour rolled out of bed, took a gander at the forums and realized that the community has a certain talent for making videos.  "Why do all the work, when the community could just do the work for me?" thought the handsome Canadian. 

And that brings Seymour to this blog post.  It's been hinted at before and now it's time to pull back the curtain and reveal: The Legions: Overdrive Community Video Contest!

What we're looking for are videos that showcase Legions: Overdrive;  Be it gameplay videos, 'Skill' videos, Tutorial videos, etc.  The best videos will be put up on a special Media section of the website.

Note: Tutorial/Introduction videos hold a special place in the Developers hearts.

As for content rules, let's avoid anything with cursing, nudity - basically keep the debauchery on the down low. 

To enter, simply upload your video to Youtube, ensure the video is shareable, and post the link in this thread.

Deadline for this first video contest will be July 1, 2011. 
