Minor Fallout and Stygian Updates

We've pushed some changes to the terrains for these maps, so you'll need to update Legions to continue playing on the public test servers.

If no issues are found, hopefully we'll be pushing these maps to live servers tomorrow.


Fallout and Stygian on Public Test

A while ago we introduced Fallout to you guys as a rather limited special event, but it's been a while! So today we're putting Fallout onto the test servers for you to enjoy.

Also we've got Stygian as the other map on the public test servers. For those of you who might be thinking that the map has been tested already - this time it's up for testing with CTF.

Let us know what you think!


Team Deathmatch now Live

As Team Deathmatch seems to be working as expected on the public test servers, we've decided to make these servers a bit more permanent. Each region now has a permanent TDM server.

The scoring bug has also been fixed, so 75 kills will now end the map.


Team Deathmatch Updates

We're still keeping it on the public test servers for a little bit longer, with the following updates:

  • Time limit reduced to 15 minutes
  • Score limit added - 75 points for a team to win
  • Player scores are now similar to CTF
  • Server limit increased to 20
  • Sleepwalker removed from the rotation
  • FrostByte, Nivosus, Moonshine, Zenith Cauldron, Gorge, Forgotten added to the rotation

Hopefully Sleepwalker will be returning shortly, after some adjustments.


Sleepwalker, Stygian, Team Deathmatch, OMG!

Today we're not just bringing you one tiny update, we could've stopped at two updates, but instead we decided to give you THREE updates in one go! A new game mode and two new maps!

First of all we've now got Team Deathmatch as a game mode for Legions. No need to worry about that pesky flag, just kill the enemy team as much as possible in 25 minutes! Killing a player from the opposite team gives you and your team 1 point, any team kills results in you and your team losing a point. There may be a couple of issues with TDM, however it's time to let you guys play it.

Also we've got Sleepwalker and Stygian as new maps. Sleepwalker is a fairly small desert map, whilst Stygian is a misty mountain map. Both of these seem suited to deathmatch, so we've decided to keep these as maps for our TDM servers.

We've got public test servers up and running in all current regions, so go check it out!


Forgotten now Live

After the fairly positive feedback towards the latest updates on Forgotten, we've decided to push this map to live servers.

You'll now see Forgotten in the map rotation for CTF large map servers.


Singapore Server Updated

After testing the new server setup on the Japanese server, we've updated the Singapore server - it's now named [SG] Prometheus.

It's in the same location, but we've now got 3 game servers, small maps CTF, large maps CTF and a private server for pickup games. Hopefully this should give players in the region even more choice on which server they'd like to play on!

Please give us some feedback to let us know everything is working as expected.


Japanese Servers Return

After many hours of sysadmin pain, we've finally got some servers in the Asia Pacific region which are no longer listed as test servers!

We've currently got 3 servers up and running, a large maps CTF server, a small maps CTF server, and also a hidden private server for team practice and pickup games. This should hopefully give players in the region a choice of map types if there aren't quite enough players to get a decent game going on large maps.

Assuming that this server setup is stable, we'll be updating the Singapore server and renaming it as well.

Now that these servers are losing their test status, we'd like to remind you that the servers are only kept running based on player donations. If there are enough donations to cover a server in Singapore and Japan then we'll keep both up and running, however if they fall short we'll scale the servers back down accordingly. So please remember to donate to keep them running!

Please give us feedback so we know that this server is running as you'd expect it to. Unfortunately it's hard for us developers to judge it when we've got a 300 ping to the server!


Updated Forgotten on Public Test Servers

Thanks to DeadGuy for finding time to update this map, we've now got an updated version for you to test. No need to switch to the public test channel - this works with your regular live client (just make sure you've clicked the update button).

This version of Forgotten has an updated base structure, so the flag is now at a similar height to what it was previously. It's still got the open bases, unlike the original version. We think it's an improvement on the original version, but it's time for you guys to test it!

Please direct all feedback to this thread on the forums.


Duel Servers

We've added two new servers to the server list, shazbot.eu #4 and Hotswap #6 are duel servers.

Unfortunately we don't have a duel mod available yet, so both of these servers are just regular CTF servers. We understand that people want deathmatch, rabbit, duel, along with other server types, however these aren't currently ready yet. Various players have been using CTF servers for dueling which is unfair on people who wanted to play CTF, so as a temporary measure we've put up these servers.

They run FrostByte, they still have flags, but they're permanently in practice mode - the game won't start at all. This is a temporary measure until we've got the time to allocate to creating different game types. Please be nice to players on the server, if you treat this server as a deathmatch server then your account will be banned.

We kindly ask that if you want to duel - use these servers. Anyone caught dueling on CTF servers may be kicked, banned, or at worst, become Seymour's 'play doll'.
